Feeling Stuck in Your Job? 3 Game-Changing Tips to Build a Life You Love | Jimmy Naraine

“Ten years later, you wake up and you realise, what the hell am I doing? I’m still doing the same thing. I don’t enjoy what I do.”

The realisation hits hard as you face the harsh truth: you’re still stuck in a job devoid of joy and fulfilment.

Jimmy Nariane was there and was able to turn it around and build a fascinating life full of purpose, passion and happiness.

He is an entrepreneur, a Mindvalley Author, and Udemy Partner with almost 500,000 students in 190 countries and 70,000 official testimonials and delivers corporate training for Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

But behind this success lies a long journey of struggle and hardships. In this episode, he shares how he fearlessly broke free from a comfortable corporate job, invaluable insights and a blueprint to craft a life that ignites your soul.

Main topics covered:
✅ Liberating yourself from an unfulfilling job
✅ Redefining your perception of success
✅ Uncover your true desires and aspirations
✅ Building a life you love
✅ Develop self-confidence
✅ Enjoy the journey itself


Are you living someone else’s dream? Are you living life? On your own terms? What is your definition of success? Our next guest is Jimmy Naraine a, the world stop or authority, on course, Creation with house and million students online. We are going to learn how to uncover our North Star. Build a life that we love and how to build self-confidence. Join us.
You started working with Goldman Sachs at some point here and then there was a moment you realize that the corporate job was not for you. Yeah. Tell me about that.
It’s funny because you know I have to do it. I’ve got to break the rules. I’m going to talk directly to the audience. The funny thing is that so would rather be ago we had already conversation two days ago, we met on this nice rooftop and we plan to talk for 40 minutes or something like that ended up talking for two. Two hours. We pretty much did a podcast without a podcast, right? Had a great conversation so he’s asking really good questions because he knows a lot about my story by now but yeah, you’re right.
So, when I was in Goldman Sachs you know initially this was the dream this was the Pinnacle right? Everyone told me back at university. If you want to make it you have to work for Goldman Sachs, you have to work for Morgan Stanley JP Morgan or you know KPMG BCG all of those big companies right.
But Goldman Sachs was on Top of the list. So, what do you do when you are this insecure polish kid, who’s trying to fill some void inside? Right? Well, you go, you work for Goldman, but I realize at some point that it was someone else’s dream, it wasn’t my dream. Now listen, I learned a lot, some grateful for the experience, met some awesome people there, but I knew very quickly, it just wasn’t for me, right? And I think one of the moments and this is a good experiment for everyone to do right now.
Look at people who do what you do. Do but are 10 years ahead of you, right? So, I looked at some of the MD, some of the top-level people there and ask myself, do I want to be that person? Do I want to live like this? And the answer was a resounding. Now I don’t want to do that. This is not my life, so start feeling a bit strapped and there’s one moment when I got so frustrated, I told you about it. It’s an it’s a funny thing because I actually I had a couple of drinks. Don’t remember which drink and but what I remember is that I wasn’t completely sober a couple of drinks and I started to sizing about my ideal future life, right? I got frustrated with working for a big Corporation and I wrote an email to My Italian Friend Gianluca. Who also lived in the UK, we met at the University, right? And I said something in the lines of hey you know, I’m tired of this of this, of this work, you know. And this is what I really want to do. I’m going to be traveling the world. I’m going to be exploring, I’m going to build a business. I’m going to create impact; I’m going to have a sense of contribution. I’m going to wake up the morning, you know, by the beach and then I’m going to jump on a plane and fly somewhere and do. Dissing and I described everything right stream of Consciousness and then afterwards. I felt good. All right. I felt good. So, then I read it and I realize. Wow. Like this is literally the picture of my ideal future life that I would like to live and then ask myself a very important question and by the way, this wasn’t some exercise I read about somewhere, I just did it intuitively. I didn’t know what it’s going to lead to but at some point, ask myself, okay? If I want to be there, if this is the snapshot of my ideal life, What I’m doing right now, get me there and I realize it’s never going to happen because I want to be over there but I’m here and I’m heading that direction. I’m getting completely different direction, right?
So, if I want to be over during the north that’s my Northern Star and I’m going to the South doesn’t matter how hard I work. I’ll never I’ll never get there and that’s when I realized that I need to change something. The change didn’t happen overnight but the seed was planted. That’s when I started practically thinking about becoming. An entrepreneur.
And can you describe me? What was the feeling? What did it feel like when you were like there and feeling frustrated and what it look like?
Okay. So, that’s a good question. The feeling to feel it will kind of fell in a weird way, okay, some days I was excited their moments when it was exciting. I just have to put it for the record. Right. There are moments when I thought to myself. Wow! We are! We have this big crisis now and I’m making this and I’m going there and I’m traveling. I’m doing that. I’m trying to make this happen but most of the time, I felt trapped the feeling of being trapped, you know, this feeling in your stomach, you know, when you’re back at school and you know, there’s that one class that doesn’t really give you anything. And, you know, you just have to go there and just have to sit through it and the teacher doesn’t like you either, right? It pulls. You to the front, this type of feelings. I actually remember, sometimes I would literally go and now, I can say this fight.
I can say it is outside as go to the bathroom. And they had those very high cubicles, right? Like separated with like, you know, pretty thick wooden walls and I would just, I would just sit there for like, 15, 20 minutes and I would meditate. I would let you out sit like this and I would just meditate. And I would imagine that I’m somewhere else. I would imagine that. I’m traveling that I’m My Own Boss that I’m building a business. I would imagine those things and then alarm would go off and quickly, you know, and then I’ll turn it off. And then I Realized. Oh, I’m here sitting on a cubicle so then of course I’ll Flash the water, go outside, splash some cold water, on my face, go back to the office, right? But that was the feeling of frustration feeling of being trapped and I realized life, is short, right? Life is literally ending one minute. One second at a time. Like, we don’t get in younger and what I noticed, the older you get the quicker time go. So, when you talk to some really old people, they’ll tell you, wow, when I hit 60 years olds like each year. Just goes like this, it goes so fast. Right? And somebody’s got to make a decision, like, will you settle? Will, you settle, or will you decide to play big enough? Because I don’t remember who said it. There’s a quote about this, that, you know, you can fail at playing small anyway. Like there are no guarantees just because he plays save, just because he plays small doesn’t mean you’re going to win. So, if you don’t have any guarantee of success, didn’t why not a distracted fail at playing big? And did you always think because you are, Young. And what was the moment that you start believing that you could do something bigger and it had believing more in yourself. Well, if I want to change my life and if I wanted one of my aspirations was to get out of Poland and travelled the world, I realized. Okay, number one, I have to learn English, not just learn, I have to master English. That was number one thing. And then number two, I have to get good grades so I can actually go and study in the UK or in the US., right? So that’s when I started on this mission of Just every day, costed learning, you know, memorizing. A literally hundreds of words. Every day I would write lists of English words, and I was just like, I would just memorize them every day. Like a maniac, you know, and it worked and that was it’s a good question by the way because I don’t talk about this a lot almost never, right? But this was a big moment because I realize that you can hack your life, you can hack your reality because you realize it within two years you can go from speaking like this like Hey Jimmy. So how was your holiday do? English? Teacher asks, holiday good? Good family. Me we go Baltic Sea and we enjoy swim and eat, eat fish, you know from going to from that point to being able to converse with anybody about any topic within two years, you realize like wow. And normally this would take much longer but because I put intensity and passion into it. I basically took 10 years of progress and I packed it into two years, right? And that’s when I started realizing. If I did it with English, if I did it with my school exams, I could do it with anything. And then I replicated this there. I learned Spanish in a month. I went to Spain and I just talked to people on the streets every single day, hundred fifty strangers, just talking to them. And I replicated this with so many things with my speaking career, with my wood building video courses with working with corporate.
So, I do in corporate training. Realize there’s a reality and you can negotiate that reality and there are certain hacks you can use to do things faster and to do them better. And last thing, I’m going to say when you have a goal, you say, you want to accomplish something, 10 years, I think Peter teal said this and I believe in it. If you want to accomplish something ten years, why not ask yourself? What would it take to accomplish it in a year? What would I have to do in the first answer that comes to your mind is but it’s impossible.
I can’t do it. One year. But then ask yourself what if I really have to accomplish it in one year? Like there’s no other option what would I have to do? And you start thinking outside the box. You really start thinking outside the box, you realize, wow. I like this was my thinking and within this thinking there are no options but now you change your Paradigm and you’re thinking shifts to here and you realize, oh wow. Like so you want to build an audience from scratch? Okay. You can do it the regular way. What if you find two people to partner with who already have a massive audience from you? Just jump over certain hoops, right? That’s just one example, but there are plenty.
Yeah, what I find fascinating is what you young, you already started. I mean, without mentors or you already had that feeling like I want to do this and now and you went after it committed to that. And today, I mean, if we fast forward today, I mean today, I mean you have half a million students. You know, you are a trainer for Fortune, 500 companies and You travel around the world, okay? That’s a long journey.
Let’s go back and understand what were the three major things that you did that took you where you are today.
Number one thing is just thinking, big does not does the foundation, just thinking big believe in yourself, realizing that you actually control your reality. What we talked about a little bit before, right? But in the context of I am, I’m able to do what I want to do, right? And just upgrading my thinking, you know, it’s very hard to go beyond our size of thinking. If you’re thinking small, you, you are not likely to come with Big Tex. You are not, but if you start thinking big, sure you won’t succeed all the time, but at least you give yourself a shot and part of it is building confidence, like, start believing in yourself and, and, you know, for me, it was about changing my internal dialogue and changing my self-image.
So, for example, I can Self-image was that close my eyes? If I visualized myself, I see a kid with you know those weird elf ears that I still have now I appreciate them. Now, this is part of who I am, right? Your Perfections make you perfect in a sense, right? But back then, elf ears, right? That’s all I saw, right? I saw a shy kid. I saw a kid who was always an outsider. So, guess what happens when you perceive yourself as an outsider? There’s a sense of rejection. It’s almost like, oh, the Reason I’m an outsider is because I got rejected by The Crowd by the society, so now you feel like you are not worthy. You are not good enough. Okay. So that was my self-image.
And then I start working on it and changing my identity, my identity, right? Rather than thinking about what I think I am, I started asking myself, who do I want to become? And I adopted that as my new identity. I think that’s really important because often times, we think you have to become someone to have the identity of that person. I feel like it works the other way around. You first adopt, the identity of the person you want to be and that allows you to actually become that person. Okay, so that’s number one. Second thing was pushing my comfort zone. I know. It may sound cheesy and a lot of people out there talk about it, but guess what? They talked about it for a reason, you got to push your comfort zone. The example of, you know, learning Spanish on the streets of Spain, I mean,
it was utterly uncomfortable, especially at the beginning. Imagine, you know, I’m I want to Malaga Andalusia. Imagine my Spanish back, then they want was broken was almost non-existent. I could literally just order a bottle of water and say hello. And thank you and goodbye and that was it. So, imagine I go on the streets and I had social anxiety in the past, by the way.
So, I still dealing with that and trying to overcome that, right? So, imagine I’m gone on the streets with a bunch of pieces of paper and I see people there and I say pardon. Donde esta, el Supermercado and, you know, Spanish people Andalusia the speaker. I picked the wrong place to, not this big Rivers. I, who am I? And it started as like, oh, much as gracias. Okay. It is, you know, bit of a stiff accent and then I go to the next person and the next person next to, you know, week later, I speak a bit better, maybe I go out as I hold a don’t understand. La Buena Fiesta and then again fast matter how you tomorrow I will chop. Yes. Okay. Mochas gracias, repeat hundred 150 times and there were uncomfortable moments out purposely, push myself, writers group of 10 people public speaker.
It’s a form of public speaking and a foreign language, so I kept doing that. I did the same thing with public speaking on actual stages, I was always afraid of it.
So, guess what? When you are afraid, you just have to go out there and you just have to expose yourself to it and I still vividly remember those moments when, you know, your heart is beating really fast and you’re sweating profusely, you have thousands of thoughts in your head. Ahead and you just don’t know if you’re going to make it, you think well, maybe if you go out there in front of all of those people, you will pass out like flat on your face but guess what? You do it and then you overcome it and then you do it again and again and it’s not an overnight process. You know often times people will try to sell you something, especially promise you. I’m going to teach you how to do X, Y, and Z overnight. None of this will happen overnight, okay? Takes it takes practice, it takes effort, okay? So that’s number two. Number three, the do a lot of things I could talk about here, but number three, I would say, systems and habits developing certain systems and habits and stick into them, right? Because so you want to get healthy, you want to start going to the gym or do any type of sport, right? It’s easy to do it at high intensity for a week or even from art, that’s easy. You fired up. You watch some video, maybe watch the movie. Got inspired by do it for a week, what? Snot easiest to stay consistent for 5, 10, 20 years. So realized early on not just by myself, but reading a lot of books and talking to a lot of people that habits really create you, because people often say, well, it’s just five minutes a day is just 10 minutes a day, that’s nothing. Well, when you multiply it by the number of days in a year or in a decade that is a lot of time that is real consistency.
So early on I realized, okay I need certain habits of success and they have to become non-negotiable like first is X. Sighs to me. It’s like that can religion, right? Like, I just, I have to exercise, you know, I have to meditate, I have to do certain things. It’s a part of my routine and as a full time, traveller, it kind of get tough, sometimes you go to a new place especially when you go to like the like smaller countries, you know, or smaller regions and developing countries, there’s no gym, there’s nothing right. Hard to find healthy food. Sometimes doesn’t matter. This is the non-negotiable, right? If it means, I have to travel for 40 minutes to the other side of town on three different town to hit the gym, or to go for MMA Workout or whatever it is. I’m going to do it because it’s a part of that, and when you create those non-negotiables ultimately over time, you look in the mirror and you kind of have to scratch yourself. Whoa, this is who I became. Well, you became that person through the power of all of those habits. Yeah.
Wow. So, it’s and your energy is so good, man. I really, really, really love it. So good. So, for you was about first, I mean you define, who’s that person? That I want to be, right? You had that that vision and then you put yourself out there out of your comfort zone and that made you like explore and try and grow, right? Yeah. And then you build the systems around that kept you going right in that Journey. That’s fantastic. I see. I see many people. Today that they, they stay in jobs that they don’t love, you know. And they keep in, they stay they stay there for a long time. Why do you think that many people that they don’t love their jobs and they stay there?
I think it used to be the right? So, I can resonate. I feel like the big problem is that we never really took the time to figure out what we want and what we don’t want. So, what I want to work for us. Hands and Goldman Sachs is it wasn’t my dream. It was someone else’s dream, right? And I think a lot of people can resonate with this. I’m sure a lot of people because I talk to people about this, I know a lot of people resonate with this and you have to take the time for yourself to figure two, figure it out, otherwise you’re kind of like a flag underwent, the society, your peers, your parents, your teachers, they tell you what you got to do and what happens, often times as we are stuck in the golden handcuffs, right? So, you follow this traditional path Paved by this Society. Oh, go get an internship. And when you finish University, go and get that big job in a big corporation when you don’t stop and you don’t pass to really reflective. Is this what I really want to do? Like what is the direction that I’m trying to take you in my life at some point? You will, you may get to the point where you make constant K per year. 150, maybe 200 thousand per year as good money, right? So, guess what? Now you think? Well, I can afford this house. Or I can afford this flat or this car. Oh, I can afford a nice watch after all, I need it because I do business meetings, you know, the show status, right? So, you rationalize all of those things to yourself. And next thing, you know, you find yourself, being a two million or three or whatever, Euros in debt right now, there’s nothing wrong with that per se, right? Of course, there’s good debt and bad debt time for different conversation, right? But you start feeling stuck because you realize, okay, now you have all of those Pants and you’re on this job and it’s just good enough, it’s just good enough and it provides you enough money for all those payments that you have to make.
So now, you feel like you’re stuck, right? And it makes you feel utterly uncomfortable and we don’t like to feel uncomfortable. So, what is easier is it easier to, you know, face the truth and to sit down and to really, really take the time to figure out. Do I really want to do this? Maybe at some point I made a wrong decision. Maybe I took a wrong turn. Maybe I have to go different way but that’s uncomfortable. What’s much easier? You know what it’s going to be fine. You know? Just be grateful. It’s going to be fine. Keep doing what you’re doing the next thing. You know, Ten Years Later, you wake up and you realize, what the hell am I doing? I’m still doing the same thing. I don’t enjoy what I do. I wake up in the morning, I don’t want to be in that office but guess what? Now, you are the managing director. Now, you have even more money. So now the handcuffs get even bigger, and I, by the way, I’m not saying corporate is bad. There are a lot of people who work in the corporate. They are happy, they are certain advantages, you know, like when I go to Tells I pay for my own pocket, right? I have my own business you know how here I go to Mario the Singapore and I was like okay this is how much you have to pay; I pay corporates they have their rates. If you’re an employee of a corporation they take care of you. So, I get it. There are advantages. But you have to ask yourself. What is your definition of success, right? Like whoa, how do you want to live your life? Everyone is different! Some people want to live their lives working for corporate. Someone wants to do a podcast; other people would never want. Do a podcast. They hate talking to people like this, right? Everyone is different, but you got to find your own path. But do you think there might be some misconceptions about success?
There are a lot, there are a lot like, yes, the biggest misconception is that we often when we think about success, we assume erroneously that success is just about finances, right? You have a lot of money, you have a big car, you have a big house. Well, you are a but I say, big car, not necessarily you can have a nice little porch, right? And I’m not. And I’m not hating here on cars. I love cars myself. Putting on, we assume big car, you know of small fancy car or nice watch. We think this is success and you know, sure that can be success to some extent, that’s one angle of being successful, but it’s just one angle is just one ingredient and there are so many more ingredients, right? You may like garlic. But if you go to the restaurant, And, you know, the chaff makes some risotto for you and just like dumps, like half a kilo of garlic and doesn’t add anything else, it won’t taste good. So, for some reason, we think, oh, if I just make a lot of money, I get a very high position in a company. I will be successful. Now, there are other things missing, there are other currencies in life, for example, your health, right? That’s a massive one. And you know and let me actually talk a little bit about health, right? Because often times people’s people ask me, why do you do Ooh, ice baths all the time. Why do you push yourself? Why do Thai boxing or Spartan races? Why did you go, why do you go to the gym? I do love those things. Why experience all this pain and sweat and all of that and discomfort. Well, you have to choose your pain. I prefer to experience pain now and short-term every single day to avoid much bigger, pain and the future. The pain of regret and the pain of disease, right? So anyway, Health that’s 11 and radiant of successful. I’ve another one. Friendships, right, your family and look if you focus too much on just making money and just climbing the ranks in a corporation, your family is suffering. You can spend the time with your family or you think you spend the time with your kids, but you are not Mindful and we all know and it’s so weird because we all know it, because a lot of us experienced it, but we replicate the same mistake when you are not present, your kids know when I was a kid.
My father was working extremely hard, right? Like he tried to make ends meet wasn’t Easy in Poland and he was a great dad in many ways, but I still remember those times when I just needed a mentor, I just I didn’t need someone to tell me, you know, leave me alone. I’m working hard. You know? Because I need, I need to provide for you so you can go to school and we can put food on the plate, I get that. But sometimes a kid just needs a little bit of attention like real genuine attention. Hey, how’s everything? I can sense. Something is not right at school, what was going on? Let’s talk about it, right? If you are too busy dealing with the corporate all the time, you want to give it to your kids and then those same kids 50 20 years later, they go to therapy trying to fix that, right? So that’s another one, right? Another one is another currency of life is freedom and Mobility. Right? Can you spend the time with people? You love wherever you want, whenever you want, I’d have if you know there’s a great Gathering of old friends and Singapore for example and you live in Allah. Can we actually say? Yeah, you know, I want to be there. I want to be with all of them, let me go there or do you have to say? Well, sorry guys, I just can’t I don’t have enough holiday this year. You’re really busy and my boss told me I can do it, right? So again, I could keep going on and on but there are so many different currencies and I feel like, oftentimes, we just optimized for cash. Nothing wrong with cash. I’m also a fan. It’s good to have money. It helps it certainly solves a lot of problems, right? But that’s just one. Let’s work on the others and I think one of the best things you can do. Sit down, take a piece of paper, put on some nice music, get a glass of red wine juice, whatever it is that you like to drink.
Relax take time for yourself and ask yourself. What am I currencies? How do I Define a successful? I forget about what the society tells, you forget about what your boss says, or what your parents say, write what your wife or husband, they say, forget about all of that thing. Just about yourself. What is your definition, write? Those things down, build a picture visually, and then, as Ooh, look at it. It’s going to give you so much more clarity to actually Define where you want to go.
And you may Realize by the way that you’ve been heading that direction that was your Northern Star or someone else’s right, you thought it was your Northern Star, but you realize your true Stars may be over there. All right? And maybe you don’t want to radically shift like this but maybe you want to make a little change, just a little change.
I think, I think so you So it’s one is about not being not seeing just in One Direction but to see it more broad, you know? And I think what you say is that a lot of people, they focus on one or two and then they cannot see the others. And you mentioned something very interesting which is about, you need to be aware. You need to be clear about what you want and, and but sometimes I see many people, their biggest struggle is they, they don’t know. What they want. Yeah, what they love? You know. So, what is your advice for people who are looking for answers but they’re not able to find what they want and what they love.
Yeah, so the first thing is, what we just talked about like Define. What success means to you define your currencies of success does number one, right. I would say that’s gone already helped you a lot. Second thing I would say, figure out what you absolutely hate, what you don’t like. You know for me I knew early on that I just didn’t resonate with in stuck working for someone I knew that this is just my personality type also. What I went through in Poland, you know, some bad teachers, I would, I would solve math equation. Using my own solution. You know, the teacher should have said, wow, that’s great. Can you show the class how you figure this out because the, you know, the answer is correct but the teacher would say wrong. It’s either my way or no way zero points. Don’t ever do it again. Come on. Like that doesn’t really Age learning. So very quickly, I developed this disdain for Authority, right very early on. And so that’s my personality type, I just don’t resonate with working for someone. So, but everyone’s different for some people. I know people who can be intrapreneurs and they say very openly, right? I met people who let you tell me, you know what, man, if someone tells me what to do like do this and do this, and this is the deadline. I’m amazing at executing but to start by myself, proactively to figure it out. I don’t like to deal with it. It stresses me out.
So, the different types of people. Everyone is different. So then figure out for your personality type. What are the things that you absolutely dislike doing what bores you to tears? What makes you want to shoot yourself and write those things down? And listen, if on a daily basis, you engage in those activities. Like every day that lets you see on that piece of paper that make you want to go crazy. Something’s wrong. You have to change something and again, doesn’t mean you have to burn all your Bridges. Just like this is not that easy sometimes. You know, sometimes you know what motivational speakers say- just believe and burn all the bridges right away, and all of that stuff. Yeah, I disagree with that. I think everyone has their own story. Everyone has different situation. Maybe have kids, maybe you have all types of financial commitments, but I’m not saying quit the job. You don’t like right away, but you know what? At least, Don’t get stuck in the same. About this shift your mindset a little bit and just dip your toes in that freshwater. Try something else. Try something different. Do it on the side. If you want to build a business, you don’t necessarily have to quit your job right away. You can try to build a second stream of income on the side. Right? Take an hour or two every day. Take a couple of weekends off. See what you can do with that time. And you know what? If you don’t do anything with that extra time that you have, the chances are you probably You will not enjoy entrepreneurship because entrepreneurship once you get started, it usually takes much more hours than you initially think, as you know, very well. Yeah.
So, you know, what is interesting? I like I love what you say. So, on one side is you put on a piece of paper, what you really love, what excites you, right? But on the other side, you put what, you don’t like, right? And what I like is that when you start doing those things, you know, you feel it. Exactly how you felt when you were at Goldman Sachs you felt something was not, right? Yeah, okay, so I get that. But now how do I move forward?
Okay, once I know what I want, then what can I do in order to build a life that I really love and what I really want? Yeah. So, I would say you start with one step one step at a time, to make it very concrete. Oftentimes, we perceive things as either, black or white, you either do this or you don’t do it. You either bonding Bridges or you don’t burn the bridges. And I feel like it is about creating a sense of progress, but progress into the right direction progression towards your Northern Star. So, if you try to make it too big, the chances are you won’t even take action, right? You may be excited in the moment. You may watch this podcast for example, say, oh wow, I want to start this project. I want to do this. I want to do that. And the next thing, you know, you had a rough night, you didn’t sleep.
Well, you wake up and like, I know what, I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing so start with making small changes and then what happens is, when you create those small steps, like, okay, so my objective for the next week is just to do X or Y or Z, right? That’s the only thing and, you know, that that little step is going to take you closer to the ultimate Vision that you have guess what? Every time you accomplish that little objective, you feel better, your self-esteem and you feel more confident, right? Because guess what, you set yourself? I’m going to do something. You made a promise to yourself and then you do it.
So, when you do it, now you look in the mirror and you realize, I’m the type of person who says that they’re going to do something and they actually do it. So now you build your confidence, you feel better. So, then you set the next Target. Okay. Well let me push it to the next level at medium try this. Okay, bam, you do it again. Wow, your confidence goes, even higher and is this upward spiral, you just feel better about yourself. You gain more confidence. Something this is really the key. You know, I built video courses so I do a lot of presenting about creating content and one of the most common questions that I get from the audience afterwards. People come up to me, hey, enjoy the presentation. But let me ask you like, what is the easiest way to blow up, you know, like what do I have to do now? To like really smash it at, get like a ton of people and make a lot of money and I’m like well Like if you miss independent like you are here and like you are at the you literally just arrived in Nepal and you’re already thinking like how you going to climb the final Rich up the Everest or K2 right? I mean sure yeah think about it right? Is good set the vision but primarily you should focus on the first steps of the journey, focus on the first face. How will you get to the base camp? Right? How will you go through the icefall, right? Right?
So, think about that, and we live in this world of instant gratification as well. So, people can really lazy nowadays and people also get very impatient right? And, and, you know, when you see all these success stories out there, it’s very easy to think that your life sucks and you did something wrong, right? I mean, what we see out there is I call this person made 250 million at the age of 16, right? Then you see someone else driving, you know, that having ten different Lambos, then you read about crypto Millionaires and billionaires and then you see a childhood friend. You know, do an IPO, listen, like 10 minutes on social media and it’s easy to think that your life, absolutely sucks, right, that you have, like, the most boring, the most terrible life on this planet by feel. Like, no, we have to zoom out from that and realize that the couple of different. I don’t want to Side-track too much, but it’s all interconnected, right? Realize that when you see other people’s success, you see, just one ingredient, right? We talked about different ingredients of success, you, see? Just one, you see one? Dangle, you don’t see the what’s underneath, you don’t see a Securities. You don’t see, traumas. You don’t see their failures and weaknesses, all of that stuff, right? So, recognize that. And then once you recognize that realize that, okay, this isn’t like, let me take my time, let me go do the longer route, right? Don’t need to get rich quick. It’s great when that happens but let me plan a proper Journey. Let me take those steps. Let me build habits. Let me take, let me stay consistent and let me enjoy the journey. So rather than just putting that big goal and just chasing that goal, as if that’s going to give you a happiness, do your best to derive, a lot of happiness and fulfilment from the process from the journey. And guess what? If you cannot do that, you have the wrong goal. Now, seriously, if you, if you can feel happy on the way to whatever goal you want to accomplish, you probably are going the wrong direction because I think General goal setting that Northern Star, like just let you What a disk Northern Star is not there. Like if you are, if you have fishermen, don’t know, it isn’t. So back into the, you are fishermen. When you look at the Northern Star you are not looking at it because you want to get there are, you know, trying to actually physically get there, you are looking at it so it can give you the direction. So, I think a lot of our goals over time, they’re going to change. Like now, you may think I want to build a massive business. I want to do an IPO right? Or whatever it is. Whatever it is. Those goals will change over time. You may meet somebody you set up a family now you have kids different things happen.
Your path is going to change. What you deem important is going to change your currencies in life, will fluctuate, maybe Mahdi was important. Now family is more important but then you get all their health becomes more important. It’s going to kind of go like this. So, I feel like having those big goals and having a vision is primarily to show you which path to go to and which path not to God. That’s what it is. I went a bit on a tangent. I go,
I love it. I love it. And I would having Goosebumps because that’s why resonated so much with what he said was about. Like I was in a corporate job. Also, I left and now I’m setting up my own business. Of course, I have huge dreams, but for example, with this show, what I said to myself, what is the I’m going to do a better show next time that what I did last, you know, this little action, you know, this little action and then Joining enjoying each step like here, you know, like you and me, you know, we are right enjoying, you know, and then see where it takes.
So, I really resonate with the with that, but know what I’m seeing is that okay, we do all that but there will come those moments. Those tough moments will come. The negative thoughts will come the self-confidence Starts shaking. How do you overcome those moments?
There’s a great question, you know, I could give you a very long answer now, but I’m going to boil it down to a couple of basic things. Things about practically building, resilience, resilience muscle learning how to maintain our positive attitude and energy and motivation. In spite of challenges. I feel like one of the best ways to do it is to first of all have a mindset shift and recognize that just are there for a reason.
You are the main character in your movie of life. You’re the main character. And when you think about the best movies that you watch the new life, the best movies have ups and downs, you know, Rocky. It’s one of the favourite movies of a lot of people write, and why is that? Well, because rock, you went for hardships, right? He’s a street guy who end up making something impossible happen, but there were challenges along the way. So, we like to watch movies, like this would you want to watch a movie about someone who grew up in an Amazing. Beautiful family. Everyone is healthy and, you know, lots of money and perfect grades and amazing friends. And then went to university, you know, ivy league, Maybe Harvard or MIT, and then got the best internships, and the best job. And then, eventually build a business and, you know, build a beautiful family, and they go on holiday and they travel, they have all the freedom and then eventually, you know, that person dies at the age of like 120 in their sleep, you know, having like a nice dream about surfing the beautiful waves and value, right? That’s crazy. You know, you would feel bored to tears watching something like this and we don’t want to see that.
As be as right, we want to see challenges because challenges allow you to overcome them. That’s how we grow as a person. This is about reframing and I like to use this stoic philosophy, the Practical stoicism, so stoics always say, you know, Marcus Aurelius Seneca, peaked. At those, those people that things are not inherently good or bad they just are right. So, you think something is bad? Oh, you are just I just spilled coffee on my suit. Oh, I guess I can use it tomorrow.
Well, it’s not really bad, it’s whatever I believe it is. I mean think that is bad in this moment but perhaps this is going to lead to something different in the future. Maybe this is a little blessing in disguise and doesn’t always happen. It’s not always a blessing, right? There are objectively, bad situations, right? Your loved one dies. You get really sick, right? But you still choose your interpretation of the situation. And so, then, we gain the degree of control, something happened. Someone gets sick and you say how life sucks, you know, and life is terrible, let’s just end it all. Well, you give away all the control, but when you choose to believe, you know what, let me choose my own interpretation of the situation. Let me find a meaning in this situation. You regain, the power, a good example, Victor, Frank right here. What the men do you read that, right? The man’s search for meaning great book they. So, he said, the only reason he survived the Concentration Camp, Auschwitz was because he, he had a meaning in that, Situation, right? He said that people who died were, people who just lost, hope they lost all the meaning and he said he had a meaning, he attached meaning to that situation, he had to survive all the atrocities to come out on the other side and to tell the world what happened during the second world war, so it never happens again. And you know I could give you a ton of examples now which I know we don’t have that much time so I want but there are plenty of examples in fact that I want to ask you and everyone else watching or listening to this, think about situations in your life when something Simile – happened in that moment, it felt terrible,
but then down the line, you managed to connect the dots and realize that was meant to happen. So maybe you lost your job and it felt terrible. All right? But then guess what? You got a better job or maybe a propelled you to set up a business? Maybe you quit a relationship like Ido we talked about it before too. Honestly, man, it felt it felt terrible. Even a year later. After that breakup ice, I was still thinking about her right eye. It took me a long time to get over it. It’s Easy. Somebody cheats on you for like the last two years, okay? I shouldn’t say it’s easy, it’s not easy.
But at least you have Clarity. That person is not a good person. Let me move on here, we loved each other. Like we just decided we are going different path so you keep questioning your decision. But then later down the line, I realize, wow, this was one of the best decisions of my life for both of us for both of us, right? So, plenty of examples, plenty of situations. And I feel like when we adopt that mindset looking for opportunities in Miss, Fortune in challenges and learning how to roll with them how to play with them. You also with Fierce, there is a fear. You try to kill your fear is going to slap you back. It’s like in martial arts, right? Anybody ever done martial arts?
Like, if someone’s trying to like really push you, you don’t approach the back. You want to use their energy want to pull them, right? Someone wants to hit you, you want to slip, you don’t just want it like right away kit, the back. First, you slip, and then you counter. So, you want to use their energy. So, you want to use the energy of the fear of them, as Fortune against those things, I know it’s easier to talk about it, not to implement it, but I feel like, honestly, everything starts with a mindset shifts and one exercise I would recommend is very simple. Let you just take a piece of paper right now and just ask yourself what are those seemingly? Negative things in my life that happened that turned out to be positive, little big tanks, everything that comes to your mind and I got I got I guarantee you the moment you write down a couple of things. That in itself, will change your mindset and keep that paper in your pocket. Just keep it next to keep it on your desk. Keep it on your mirror. When you go through a hardship, look at it and just remind yourself how I have five things or maybe seven things on the list. Okay, well, I’m going for a challenge now. Someone broke my heart. I lost my job. Right. What? I lost a big client. What? If I could add distinct to this list, two years down the line. What if I could laugh about the situation? Two years down the line? What if one day I can look back? And think this was the best thing that happened, alright? Miss my flight. I didn’t go to the conference.
Oh, maybe this is the best thing that happened because that altered the chain of events forever, right? It just Alters your trajectory of your life. Maybe as a result, you’re going to meet somebody who will become a massive business partner or a massive kind, whatever it is. And now, you know, you just start thinking completely differently and you realize that it’s easier to smile. It’s easier to stay resilient and to go out there and to slay those dragons. I mean, that was so good. I think we framing, it’s The most powerful tools for personal development to overcome, setbacks one home, and let me breathe a little bit.
This conversation was so, so, so good. We’re coming to the end and I have one last question for you. People ask you a lot of questions, but what is one question that no one has asked you before and you would love to answer.
So, that that is A very good question. One question. I think one thing that people don’t ask you to people ask about industry stuff, right? In terms of what I do, right? How they get on stage, has how to become a more confident, presenter, how to build an online course, right? So, one thing that people don’t ask me about this. What pisses you off about the world, what pisses you off, right? Because people that I control over C. So, let me tell you right? Like the couple of things and I let me just stick to one primarily I think nowadays. We are good. So stuck in our political correctness and I trying to make sure that we don’t offend anybody. Oh, you can’t say this, you kind of say that because you’re going to offend somebody that we are afraid to speak our minds. We are afraid. We are no longer a Fanta kick and also, we spent so much time trying to figure out if something is offensive or not that we don’t give enough time to issues that really matter. Like for example, human trafficking, like right now there are people including kids being trafficked like lychee traffic. And it’s terrible, right? We don’t we don’t really care.
We don’t talk about things such as animal abuse as well happens all the time, right? When you look at some of the massive factories, people don’t know where their food is coming from now. I have nothing against. You know, I’m an old lady having a farm and killing a chicken, right? Pressing on vegetarian, but nothing against that cycle of life, I get it, you know, or sustainable Farms organic, I get that. But when you look at the, the mass production it’s Ridiculous, right? Like the hand is being born and it spends the entire life and a little cage or Force, feeding animals, so, they get liver damage. So, they taste better, I could go on and on, right? But it’s absolutely ridiculous and I many, many other issues and I feel like rather than just focusing on someone got offended Let’s focus on the real issues. Let’s give the spotlight to those who real issues that matter because we don’t do it enough. And that we are getting to the point in a society where so what could kill your entire family and if you call him certain name, people will focus on the fact that you are the bad guy. Because you use that, whatever that an acceptable word and in a second everyone’s going to forget that he killed your entire family. What matters is that you said Wrong wart to me, that’s ridiculous. So that’s here you go. Here you go. This is, this is one of the things that we could do a separate podcast about and go deep. Because that’s one question, no one asked me about, but I love to talk about it a bit more.
What a fantastic way to finish our conversation and Jimmy, it was, I had, I had a blast. I’ve been since the moment we met 3 days ago where we spent two hours on the preparation call? Like, I think, people look at you and see a big boy. I see more than that. I see someone with a big heart. We Big Dreams and the big purpose. Thank you so much for coming and wish you all the best.
Thank you so much. Been a pleasure. Thank you. Thank you.